
10 days left!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012 [5:48 AM]

How am I going to survive 10 days of sailing with no entertainment whatsoever?

I wanna get a PSP now. Even though I don't really play all that often anymore.

Makes me realise how much I enjoy my everyday conversations with my friends over text messages.

BGR love is overrated. Friendships are meant to be enjoyed too!

I think I would rank Stirring on the same level as Banter now. Can't decide which I enjoy more. They both are such great sources of humour. Maybe they're the same, I just don't know it.

TGIF coming!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 [3:09 AM]

I wish I could tell life to slow down. Schedule is so jam-packed that I can't even take a breather. I guess I should've been prepared for this the moment I started signing myself up for all my different commitments.

Honestly Jerald, what were you thinking! I guess I was so comfortable with the moderate intensity of my army life as a junior sect comd that I thought I'd be able to grapple with the Bears and the Lions this year.

The bears and the lions. Until now, I still draw strength from the prophecy made over my life. But, these moments of completely relying on God only come when I'm desperate enough, which really isn't very often.

I guess that's human nature. We're just so proud that we think we can get through the day by ourselves, even when we're supposedly doing Kingdom work. And the problem is, we actually succeed. If a Christian has been a Christian for many years, he runs the great risk of relying on strength and experience rather than divine inspiration and empowerment.

If I'm honest with myself, I would consider what I'm doing as a waste of time. I don't stand to gain from any of this. Of course, other people will. They get drawn to the presence of God, they start to worship. That should be reward enough for me.

But I can't help but wonder if I was meant to get more out of my serving. A joy that comes from doing what I really want to be doing for Jesus. The problem is, my conviction isn't a conviction. It's a logical belief. It hasn't been developed fully into a spirit-filled conviction that will allow me to go all out and experience the great joy of doing His work.

People should never lose their sense of Why. Truly, without vision, the people perish.


hey, this is Jerald


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